Neecheewam’s Code of Ethics

When Neecheewam employees work in harmony with the seven sacred teachings and embody the principles of love, truth, humility, honesty, courage, wisdom, and respect, then they will create an atmosphere in which our children and youth can flourish.  It is important for employees to use these teachings to guide them throughout their day to day work.

Neecheewam requires all employees to maintain high standards of honesty, integrity and ethical conduct. All Neecheewam employees shall agree to the Code of Ethics upon hire. It is an expectation that employees conduct themselves in a manner which is congruent with the Child and Youth Care Workers Association of Manitoba’s Code of Ethics. The code is as follows:

Each Manager and Employee shall follow the Principles and Standards of our profession:

I. Responsibility for self
  • Demonstrate high standards of integrity and professional conduct;
  • Develop knowledge and skills necessary to benefit children, youth, and families;
  • Participate in education and training for ongoing professional development;
  • Engage in ongoing supervision and/or counsel as appropriate;
  • Maintain physical and emotional well-being;
  • Be self-aware of personal values and their implication for practice;
  • Be mindful of self as a growing and developing practitioner; and
  • Understand the importance of self-care and the responsibility to seek guidance, counseling, and support.
II. Responsibility to children, youth and families
  • Not cause harm;
  • Encourage safe and ethical practice;
  • Not disrespect, exploit, or intimidate others;
  • Maintain privacy and confidentiality as appropriate to role;
  • Ensure services are culturally sensitive and non-discriminatory (regardless of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, national ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, mental or physical capacity/ability, medical condition, political views, or socioeconomic status);
  • Provide protection and advocacy;
  • Recognize, respect, and advocate for the rights of the child, youth and family;
  • Support individuals in advocating for their own rights and safety;
  • Foster self-determination and personal agency;
  • Encourage a child or youth’s participation within a family and community, and facilitate the development of social networks;
  • Recognize the life space of young people involves physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and virtual domains (including social media, messaging, gaming, etc.);
  • Respect the diversity of life patterns and expectation;
  • Affirm that there are differences in individual and family needs and meet those needs on an individual basis;
  • Ensure interactions reflect developmental age, status, understanding and capacity;
  • Adapt to individual needs when designing and implementing plans and programs (including psychological, physical, social, cultural, and spiritual needs);
  • Value collaboration with colleagues and those from other disciplines;
  • Make referrals to other professionals as necessary and seek assistance to ensure access to needed services;
  • Observe, assess, and evaluate services/treatments prescribed or designed by other professionals;
  • Ensure appropriate boundaries between professional and personal relationships;
  • Recognize and adjust for dynamics related to power, authority, and position; and,
  • Not engage in harassment or sexual misconduct with a child, youth, or family member.
III. Responsibility to the employer and/or employing organization
  • Respond to employer in a professional manner and seek to resolve differences collaboratively;
  • Treat colleagues with respect, courtesy, and equity;
  • Model flexibility and inclusiveness in working with colleagues and family members; and,
  • Respect the commitments made to the employer or employing organization.
IV. Responsibility to the profession
  • Act in a professional manner toward colleagues;
  • Seek arbitration or mediation with colleagues as appropriate;
  • Report ethical violations to appropriate individuals or boards when informal resolution is not appropriate or sufficient;
  • Encourage collaboration among professionals, children, youth, family and community to share responsibility for outcomes;
  • Ensure professional practice in training and research activities;
  • Ensure education and training programs are competently designed and delivered;
  • Ensure research is of high quality and is designed, conducted, and reported in accordance with quality and ethical standards; and,
  • Ensure that practitioners, supervisors and administrators lead programs according to high-quality and ethical practice.
V. Responsibility to the community
  • Promote awareness of the profession and the needs of children, youth, and families to the community;
  • Model ethical behavior in relationships and interactions with community members;
  • Promote respect and appreciation of diversity, racial equality, social justice and cultural humility; and,
  • Encourage informed participation by the public in shaping social policy and decisions affecting children, youth, and families.